TB Joshua’s disastrous US election prophecy [VIDEO]

On Sunday the 5th November, TB Joshua claimed that 10 days prior, God had shown him the new president of the United States of America. He first declined to name who he saw, but later said that “The Lord said, there’s a state that enormously, 99% vote for this woman, and the woman [has a] narrow win”. This “prophecy” was nothing more than stating what the polls were also telling us at the weekend: that it would be a narrow win for Hilary. As we all now know, it wasn’t nearly as close as predicted, and the winner is most definitely not “the woman”. TB Joshua’s world prophecies are simply guesses based on closely following the news, with a bit of deceitful editing where necessary to polish off the rough edges. This time his strategy has badly let him down.

Supporters of TB Joshua should take note of his exact wording, he said “10 days ago, I saw the new president of America”, later he said “The Lord said, there’s a state that enormously 99% vote for this woman, and the woman [has a] narrow win”. He frequently talks about the visions God gives him, he’s claimed before that he sees the future “as clearly as if he is watching Emmanuel TV”. This disastrously incorrect “prophecy” goes to show how he’s simply making all this up. He doesn’t see visions, the Lord does not speak to him – he’s just a clever conman.

Watch his most disastrous prophecy yet in all its glory below:

49 thoughts on “TB Joshua’s disastrous US election prophecy [VIDEO]

  1. As you should all know by now, T B Joshua is just an ordinary false prophet who has been deceiving multitudes because of their biblical illiteracy and ignorance. God doesn’t speak to him and he doesn’t even know God. Therefore, he doesn’t even hear or see visions of God. He was just following the polls which claimed a Hillary win, and just as those pollsters have no visions from God, so is this false prophet, T B Joshua. As the Lord warned us, beware of this false prophet and shun him while you still have life! A word to the wise is enough!

    • TB Joshua prophececy truth ,the presidency key ,ll gona taken away from Donald bcz of,s hatenes speech and given to Hillary Clinton.

      • If you think that, you don’t have a clue how American politics works. Trump won it for the Republicans, if he had to step down it would go to his VP, not the leader of the Democrats.

  2. What cracks me up is the statement “Considering the fact that T.B Joshua is yet to make any wrong predictions, Clinton supporters can now rest easy.” Really now NIGERIA wake up…..if there ever were a time that God, the God of Abraham,Israel, Moses, Jacob and David revealed a prophet its now….

    So what happened guys did Hillary win because if so I will concede and agree yes he is a man send to speak on behalf of my God (as quoted above, in case you have another one). Mind you I already know the results and I know the outcome of the US election and I know now.

    Again what has become my favourite scripture concerning this prophet – Matthew 7:15

  3. Lol…I had forgotten about this fella called TB Joshua. Another classic disaster! This guy sees nothing, he just follows the news. Unfortunately he followed the wrong news this time. Lol… 😀

    I watched some compelling videos few days ago on YouTube; there have been numerous indications emerging lately that Trump would take it by a substantial margin. Check out some of these videos:

  4. Tuberculosis Joshua prophecies are fake… Donald Trump has won the elections and I am waiting to see how he is going to release a fake video to the public claiming that he predicted that the man will win.

    By now the whole world knows that TB Joshua is a scam –

  5. Take some minute and Remember Prophet Jonah and the case with Ninive..

    Jonah DID NOT WANT TO GO AND PROPHESY —> RATHER FLEW —> CAUSE he knew his God and does not wanted that people RIDICULE him, call him a false prophet AFTER God may certainly change HIS mind —> BECAUSE/IF the people in Ninive will repent of their sin and ask God for His mercy AFTER the PROPHECY…!!!

    THROUGHOUT ALL THE BIBLE we can read that IF people repent, especially the people of God repent and PRAY, God will not bring upon them the bad thing what He planned to do so.

    So we may SALUTE to Prophet Jonah that finally he obeyed God, took his cross and went and prophesied to Ninive. And we may also smile a littlebit how he was so upset afterward… 🙂
    I salute you Prophet Jonah!
    And I salute Prophet T.B. Joshua.

    So before you start mock anybody, especially Christians, read a Bible attentively…

    • Stop turning the bible upside down. Jonah was sent to Nineveh by God to ask them to turn away from their evil ways to avert God’s wrath. Jonah didn’t want Nineveh saved, thus he ran in another direction. But eventually repented and proceeded to deliver God’s message.

      • At least read a Bible before you respond to a Biblical topic…
        NO, God DID NOT ASK THEM “to turn away from their evil ways to avert God’s wrath”!!!

        Jonah went and said ONLY the following: “In forty days, Nineveh will be overthrown!”

        No mention of repentance or avert this –> AT ALL.

    • @Kegyelem
      Ah, the classic response to TB Joshua’s false prophecies. In other words, he can do no wrong. If it’s accurate, he’s right, if it’s inaccurate it’s “ah, but remember Jonah?”. Where’s the discernment? And please point me to the part in the video where TB Joshua said anything about repentance?

      • @ TBJW,

        First of all where have been ?

        Secondly, as you have seen in the former post what I was referring to.

        I also told some others online that false lying fake prophet before the elections and truly did not see anything and that he was plainly watching the lying and deceiving CNN, aka Clintons New Network and that he does this allllll the time and send his scam followers to people to find out this and then he runs with it when it fits his planned lying agenda. I also believe he has inside information through these scam followers and then runs with it same way. He is a disgusting little pathetic man.

        Thirdly, nobody of you cannot deny I always said that he is a false fake private prophet. Year in, year out I harped on it. At least we have that in common now.

        When I saw him personally he did not know anything to say about me and about my wife he made up some stupid stories that he applied to other women as well. It was such a lie that it consternated my wife publicly in his scam church.

        Just as I said that Hillary Clinton was a horrible arch liar as well deceiver and that they speak to their nature of what they are connected to so is he. He is a dispicable man. No other words can compile than that.

        Here we see again star stellar evidence of what a false fake private prophet he is and looks like and as well these dumb deliverance sessions who are as fake as a fake Rolex watch. But people such as Keglyem will always say a stupid excuse for their own failure to recognise their disastrous deception and hold on it to even deceive themselves even more. Sad.

        II Thessalonians 2, I said it and I said it and I said it.

        Finally you are back after so long absence ! Now start please write some more posts about this false fake private prophet so people can be informed about their crazy foolishness. Apparently what is written is not enough for them.

        Kind regards,


      • @ Kegleyem,

        Here you go again with your confusion that TB Joshua is a “man of God” rather man of Gore.

        Let me remind you of that then that he is absolutely NOT !

        TB Joshua is an impostor and he only sits in the saddle because foolish people are keep giving him money so he can bribe anyone that he puts his cross-hairs upon with his false love.

        Under the guise of good deeds his intention is and I quote from the “Salvation” poster.

        “Whereas, TBJ seems to be awful zealous about reaching as many people as possible with his lying signs and wonders, his false gospel, his false prophecies… TBJ is not backslidden, he’s a child of Satan, a ravenous wolf seeking whom he may devour!”

        He uses the rhetoric that he “loves you so much” which only in the deeds is visible by giving another person money, a bag of rice, buy them a home, or give a car. Without that, he has nothing to give. And people fall for it that that is the answer to all their problems. He passes on what other people give to him. Anyone can do that. This is everywhere seen and nothing special at all, except his brigade blasting it in the media day in day out. That would not be a problem as a whole, but he does it to make sure you will be infested with this false spirit that operates in him when he lays hands upon you. Until today I don’t see any fruit from him laying hands upon me for 10 minutes and in other occasions and these silly bottles. None. So you who testify, you are lying and lying through your teeth for the sake to keep this going. To me it is from Kundalini, but hey many want to disagree with me about that. It really does not matter to me. I see many of his followers not showing any fruit of the Holy Spirit at all as being said in Ephesians 5:22-23 which explains The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes of a Christian life according to Paul the Apostle in his Letter to the Galatians: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Because look at yourself how you are so aggressive about it. You want nothing than anyone just simply to die if it was up to you whoever speaks against your false fake private prophet idol.

        Now since he is in control and all his subjects are jumping to his bidding for fear he is intimidated to them and to keep his “SCOAN engine” running and deflect anything by lawyers to get away with the illegal hostel without building permit, he acquires every day money from his followers which he in turn assign how he can buy your love and good standing. What a fake man. And all that work in SCOAN. You are FAKE ! You live by money and you have nothing else to give. Nothing. Empty windbags you are when it comes to giving true love. For example he gives a 100,000 dollars to the Colombian police so they are willing to protect him of whoever wants to kick his backside real hard for his lying and deceiving he does every single day. He buys you with it and if he can’t buy you he sends out people like yourself who constantly tell another possible story that does not stick as mud on a wall. Now he is already sliming with President Trump. And he looks at a man of the world as being his example with a really bad past and present. Way to go Joshua. You are as fake as they come. You are wretched and naked without what you have.

        I personally am totally fed up about his disgusting snake maneuvers he does every single day how he can intimidate you (not me) with his lies and that of his staff and that of yourself. You have become a very hateful dispicable person in my book and you don’t deserve any mercy upon you unless God would give it to you as such. The time for TB Joshua is to buzz into prison for the 116 people he allowed to be killed on his watch. What is applicable to him is the sentence of Manslaughter by Gross Negligence with the use of his personal religion and lies.

        There are many such as you who are constantly despicably try to intimidate others with fake charismatic witchcraft curses and other stupefying nonsense. As if you are God’s spokes person when we speak out to your wriggling slippery snake oils man TB Joshua..

        If he was a man of God he would not behave like this and sit in his compound and keep making victims in his vices he sets out and collecting earthly rusty moth eaten awards. Why did he not go to the Blind Village Paran in Peru as I said ? Where men stumbling every single day from blindness disease. Why can’t he not turn around Boko Haram ? Or the MH370 to be found, since he spies so much upon God. Boko Haram That since end of 2013 should be a thing of the past ? Really ? How come he can’t get his own Country not to turn around ? Yet he is always where he can peddle himself forward with his lame prophecies and bribe gifts that most people can do and if not coming out then twist it again in the win/win position as being said here.

        Again, when my wife came under his false lying private prophecy/word of knowledge he said something so stupid that never was the case ever in her life. Up till today it is not true and will never be true. He is a consistent liar and deceiver and diverting of the course of justice when it does not go his way.

        Coward ! A track record that is 25 books thick with just stupid standard intimidation stories and for fear his followers they are thinking they “speak against God” so they cave in every time when the SCOAN workers wack/shove a microphone in somebodies face. I should have let them eat the whole microphone when they did it to me and my wife. They have no shame of such constant intimidation and manipulation. Look here Kegleyem we are here for many years now. What has happened what you claim ? Absolute nothing ! You are a laughing stock whenever you say this. Everyday we just carry on and on and on and nothing is ever come to pass of your lies and claims. Nothing. You live in la la land and fantasy. Drop it and get out of your stupor ! Now !

        Thank you,

        Now go wash your face will you now.

    • @Kegyelem

      Wow…that is so desperate & pathetic!!

      Please do tell…what was the condition for Hillary to lose?? Because TB Joshua certainly did not state any conditions for a different outcome than Hillary winning narrowly. Go listen to your false prophet again, properly, stop suggesting a context which is 100% absent in his divination.
      This was not one of those ludicrous win/win fortune-telling segments (incorrectly called prophecy) where he says ABC will happen, but if they pray then XYZ will happen. This was not that!

      But then again scripture will be fulfilled: “many will be deceived”, you are unfortunately part of the “many” who stay deceived even with enormous plain evidence in front of their eyes so that they are without excuse.

      • What is SOOO PATHETIC and SOOO DESPERATE is your jumping on something that seemed to you as a fault concerning Prophet TB Joshua.

        What was the condition to Ninive? Go and read a Bible. At least the Book of Jonah.

      • @ Kegyelem,

        Why are you always deviating ? Finding always answer on things that were irrelevant. Take one example then stretch it out whenever it suits you. This is same like a lawyer, set one thing up, then find loophole to get out of it. Remember ?

        Like 116 people dead for example, sure you have some loophole to find. Like “martyrs” falsehood claim.

        Find loophole for this will you now: God never told TB Joshua to allow to build illegal hostel without building permit. No God ever would say this or ever command this. Find loophole for that, megalomaniac. There is none. Everybody can know that God was not in it. Same with false prophecy continuous always liberally available. Is there nothing to resolve in Nigeria ? Like Boko Haram for example ? Another lie. Or this MH370 to be found ? Why he can’t ask God eh ? HE is full of lies. When for own purpose, always answer with loophole in place. When not in purpose, another loophole set.

        I Samuel 3:1 And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.

        But nooo that is never the case in SCOAN, where they produce them on a conveyor belt in smell, size and colour.

        Only complete ignorant foolish people trail after fake false private prophets because of extortion from foolish dumb brainwashed people by two sided loop hole application. And because dum basses stink into it, it’s a fancy business. Away with these false fake private prophets who lie and deceive. We hope an equivalent of Trump will arise in Nigeria next time and start removing these serial psychotic liars who give the country a bad name and remove people like you from any access anywhere.

      • @Kegyelem

        You would do yourself a favor by studying the Bible yourself. Here are some clear distinctions to note:

        God told Jonah to go preach a particular message to a particular city. God said “…preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.“[Jonah 3:2].
        TB Joshua on the other hand told [not the affected nation] but a certain group who like to listen to him every week, about a vision he claims to have seen.
        Major difference!

        If you follow the Biblical theme you would know that the essence of preaching calls for repentance. That’s why we see Christ make this reference that Nineveh repented when Jonah preached:

        Matthew 12:41 “The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.”

        This was the type/shadow of the gospel, the theme is the same today: we respond with repentance to the preaching of the gospel to avoid eternal destruction.

        So you certainly cannot divorce repentance from the book of Jonah that you love so much to quote while it doesn’t even support your argument. The scriptures plainly tell that God didn’t overthrow the city precisely because ALL the people repented.

        If you think this TBJ’s failed stunt slightly resembles the Jonah story then you now have to prove:

        that TB Joshua indeed preached to the US a message from God
        that all US citizens including the president repented (fasted, mourned & prayed for the common cause). I don’t how you are going to prove this point because as things stand, the US nation is divided about who should lead the country. Which brings us back to the point: Jonah’s story does not support your argument!

      • @ General. The book of Jonah shows that the people of Nineveh were wicked because they were a violent city. The ultimatum from God was, turn from the wicked ways or else He would physically destroy the city and the people. He wasn’t talking about the salvation of their souls. It wasn’t like “turn from your wicked ways or else, when you grow old one day, you shall die and burn in Hell”- it was “turn from your wicked ways or else I will destroy the city and all of you in it”.

        If anything, Jonah 3:10 is a great verse for showing that there is a difference between “turning from sin” and “repenting” since “repent” means “change of mind” – yet there is a false gospel out there that says you must “repent of your sins to be saved”, which entails ignoring all forms of “repent” in the OT and mentally adds “of your sins” to any mention of “repent” in the NT. That’s not Biblical, it’s Mormonism (since the Book of Mormon does teach “repent of your sins to be saved” 13x).

        Jonah 3:10 – And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
        (do you notice… you have “turn from sin” and “repent = change of mind/heart” in the same sentence)

        Maybe some people did call upon the name of the Lord to be saved in Nineveh, I’m sure the king did at least, but they turned from their evil ways to avoid physical destruction – not an issue of salvation, which is – and always has been – by faith alone.

        Just be careful because the term “repent” has seriously been abused and lied about, especially by liars like TBJ or Ray Comfort. The Bible is extremely clear salvation is by faith alone. The book of John has the word “believe” 85 or 88 times, the word “repent” zero, that says something – especially as John 20:31 declares that the book of John was written for the very purpose of showing us how to get saved by believing! “Repent” means to change your mind, it can also mean that you are sorrowful about one thing (state of mind for example) and desire a change – either way it goes back to going from one state of mind to another. E.G. you were a Catholic, then you repented towards trusting only on Jesus for salvation.

        John 20:31 – But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

        Of course, everything in the OT ultimately refers to Jesus in one way or another, and the account of being trapped in the fish for 3 days and 3 nights was a picture of Jesus dying, being buried and bodily resurrected. (Matthew 12:39-41)

        God speed from the bottom of Africa!

        Romans 4:5-7 – But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

      • Though don’t get me wrong @General, @ Kegyelem is wrong. Stop following man, follow JESUS!

        Besides, Jonah was no comparison to TBJ. Jonah was a great preacher but, by the time of Nineveh, was seriously backslidden. He didn’t want to preach to them, he didn’t even want to when God punished him and he went out of obedience, and he had no love for the Ninevites. Whereas, TBJ seems to be awful zealous about reaching as many people as possible with his lying signs and wonders, his false gospel, his false prophecies… TBJ is not backslidden, he’s a child of Satan, a ravenous wolf seeking whom he may devour!

      • @Savation is by faith ALONE in Jesus Christ

        I think you might have misunderstood my note somewhat. I did not suggest that the passage of Jonah was talking about salvation of their souls. Notice carefully what I said; I said “…God didn’t overthrow the city…”, which of course was going to be a physical destruction. I even used the Biblical wording: remember Jonah said “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown” [Jonah 3:4]. I stuck to the same narrative, I didn’t say anything about salvation of their souls.

        What I am stating is that that story is a shadow of the glorious gospel of Christ. Nineveh a gentile people; God showed them compassion after responding positively to the preaching of Jonah. The physical was a shadow of the spiritual, like Moses making the bronze snake so that whoever looked at it will be saved from the physical snake bites. This of course didn’t mean salvation of their souls, but it was a shadow of the coming salvation through Christ. This was my brief point about Nineveh.

        I believe that ALL scripture is inspired by God and should be used for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: not just the book of John alone.

        I have observed that over-emphasis on semantics (often used in isolation) can sometimes blur a clear message from scripture. Jonah 3:10 does say “…they turned from their evil way…”, but i disagree that this is different from repenting, primarily because Jesus later said that this was repenting.
        Matthew 12:41 “The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.”

        Since Jesus’ opinion is infinitely better than yours & mine, I disagree with your assertion there.

      • To you all, not only to “General”:

        AGAIN! –> THE POINT IS: THROUGHOUT ALL THE BIBLE we can read that IF(!) people repent, especially(!) the people of God repent and PRAY(!!!), God will not bring upon them the bad thing what He planned to do so.

        You like it or not, this IS the TRUTH. And THIS is the point!

        And NO Jonah did not have to go back and tell the people of Nineveh that ok guys, God changed His mind. It was obvious after the 40 days. (!)

        You people should read a Bible also where is talking about people whose mocking, ridicule, taunt the Man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. There is several serious warnings. The LordGod cannot stand and certainly punishes such people. You better stop and repent.
        Because God knows that this particular time WHY happened that T.B. Joshua saw that vision. God knows the reason. Anybody can guess, conjecture the reason, BUT only GOD knows surely the truth.

        You can accuse T.B. Joshua, ridicule him – what a godly, God fearing person would NEVER do, cause such a person knows the FACT that GOD MAY CHANGE THINGS, AS HE PROMISED,
        ‘If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’ 2 Chronicles 7:14

        I am sure, if somehow T.B. Joshua made a mistake, he will be honest about it, and tell the world.
        But I am sure, he saw what he told he saw and believed that was from God, cause why would anybody risk to be proven wrong, especially Prophet T.B. Joshua who was attacked so much until this time as well. In his shoe would you risk that ? Certainly NOT. I would not go out and tell something the world – through a TV channel what millions watch all over the world, if I would be not 100% sure that what I saw was from God and if I was not sure that God wants me to tell that thing to the world! But if I am sure that He showed me something and I am sure He wants me to tell the world, THAN of course, I have to be obedient. And if the thing change – AS with the case of Prophet JONAH, and what I said does not happen, than the responsibility is not mine, but God. And if people will ridicule me, God will take care of those who ridicule me, and He will still turn this for my good (that people ridicule me), since I love Him.
        – IF I was not sure that the vision is 100% from God, and/or I was not sure for 100% that He wants me go and tell the world, than I certainly made a mistake.
        Whichever the case is of the two above, people would ridicule me anyway.

        AND I am kinda sure, that you people here, if T.B. Joshua would said ‘the man wins’, you would STILL ridicule him!
        Cause this is your ugly purpose.
        And God will beat you this to your head, this is for sure.

  6. Hi, thanks for dedicating a website to expose this lying false preacher. Here in Africa, TB is spreading like cancer – or should that be, like tuberculosis? Every other car has a “Let Love Lead” bumper sticker and there are LOADS of fake churches in his mould. This one made me chuckle… how much more fake must he be in public before people wake up? But they do not follow Jesus, they follow a man, a personality. Last time I tried to warn a “Christian” TB Joshua follower in love, she rejected the Gospel and clear evidence – because she follows TB!

    And of course, “love” which TB and other fakes speak of equals promoting all manner of sin and failing to condemn it, and anyone who does AS WE ARE COMMANDED TO DO BY THE BIBLE is called unloving and hateful (Ecclesiastes 3:8) – also like loving the enemies of God, or reprobates (Jeremiah 6:20, Proverbs 1:22-33, Romans 1:18-32, Hebrews 6:4-8, 2 Chronicles 19:2, Psalm 139:21-22) is a wicked sin but “let love lead” and love the people whom even God told us not to love. TB’s “love” is not love in the Biblical sense, but sin.

    The Bible commands us to point out the false preachers and liars – Paul even exposed fakes by name – see 2 Timothy 1:15 where he exposes two by name!

    The last thing Africa needs is yet another lying fake child of Satan such as TB Joshua. We have so many thousands of them as it is, and sadly whenever a real man of God tries to come here, they either end up seriously demotivated and go home to America, or they get banned outright from entering.

    Galatians 1:6-10 @ TB Joshua

    • In his case, “let love lead” is just a complete empty shell and a horrible clanging cymbal. We all can find this in: I Corinthians 13.


    False prophet Fatai, alias T joshua is at it again. A compulsive, pathological liar has guffed as usual. I am laughing in Spanish, dancing in Swahili. What!!! My Facebook page is full of activities today, Haaahhaaaaaa. Only I ask for your prayers over those in his prison to be free, I beg you friends.

  8. Kegyelem and TBJ supporters

    i understand what you are trying to say here about Jonah; having to prophesy “God is going to destroy you”, and then turning around to saying “God will not destroy you”. its like Isaiah saying to Hezekiah “God says you will die and not live” and then having to go back and say, “God says you will live and not die”. (just para-phrasing).

    But unfortunately, this is not the case with TBJ. This is a serious case of corrupted anointing, and instead of defending him you should be praying for him, because the man does not have many days left on this earth…the great and terrible day of the Lord is upon him and he will not escape it.
    TBJ is about to die and God is going to replace him with wiseman harry and his wife (i am not saying he has a wife now, but he will in the future, and she is going to be an outsider and a force to be reckoned with. and because she was not discipled by TBJ,she will not put up with the mess going on there). The Lord is going to use them to restore scoan back to Jesus Christ. this is also one of the reasons why the Lord separated harry from TBJ, to preserve and protect him from TBJ’s corruption, so He can use him to restore the church.

    what happened here is actually the Lord’s doing. The Lord is trying one more time before TBJ dies, to show scoan members that TBJ is not the messiah like some of them believe. He is just a man of God with unfortunately like saul a corrupt anointing.

    please do not hold him up like he can make no mistakes, because if you do then you are saying he is god, which he is not. and when he dies i pray you will not weep for him and idolize him even more, because that is one of the reasons why God is taking him out of the way; because He will not share His glory!

    so give glory to God, because He will use this straight forward false prophecy to prove to many once and for all that, TBJ is NOT JESUS CHRIST!

    • @JusBloggingTruth

      That indeed is a very strange doctrine, and unbiblical too.
      Based on all the gathered solid facts, what you are proposing is a fantasy.

    • @ Justbloggingtruth,

      Harry Pimpampydopulous and John Chi are just as worse as TB Joshua, if not worse. So that’s is not going to happen because please God forbid.

      But one other scenario I hope and pray God willing that will happen that is that one days these lazy Nigerian judges will incarcerate him for the rest of his life for Manslaughter by Gross Negligence of 116 people who died in his illegal hostel without building permit. Nobody could do this. Nobody. So I have no understanding why this is even condoned or possible than that these Judges have been bribed and sold out for money and live lavishly out of that.

      If God can remove this serial liar and murderer Hillary Clinton, so, I ask the Lord to do the same for the sake of the world to be free from him. So we all can rest from his victimization of other and new people he gets his clutches upon.

  9. …2The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, 3″Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!” 4He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.…Psalm 2:3


  10. “The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority and my people love it this way.
    But what will you do in the end”? – Jeremiah 5:31.
    “They’ll bear the consequences of their sins and the prophet will be just as guilty as the one who seeks that prophet’s guidance” –Ezekiel 14:10.
    “They will bear their guilt–the prophet will be as guilty as the one who consults him” – Ezekiel 14:10.
    “Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has MY WORD speak it faithfully. For what has straw to do with grain?” declares the LORD – Jeremiah 23:287

  11. Ezekiel 13
    13 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are now prophesying. Say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: ‘Hear the word of the Lord!

    3 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! 4 Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins.

    5 You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord.

    6 Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. Even though the Lord has not sent them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect him to fulfill their words.

    7 Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The Lord declares,” though I have not spoken?

    8 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because of your false words and lying visions, I am against you, declares the Sovereign Lord.

    9 My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of Israel . . .

    A sword against the Babylonians, TB Joshua and his wise men!
    Declares the Lord-

    Against those who live in Babylon and
    Against her officials and
    Against their wise men and
    A sword against her false prophet


  12. Hahahahaha……… Can’t stop laughing. You see there is this friend of mine who is possessed by TBJ’ demonic spirit that he literally dances to every nonsense he says. I had challenged him to come up with just one prophesy of TBJ before it happens. For 3 years he had not been able to do that except bringing them up after the event. This time around he believed he had it. He was telling every one who could listen how TBJ had predicted Clinton’s win. The fact that all news feeds and opinion polls had been saying this did not bother him.

    Now come the shocker, Trump wins! The following day he was conveniently absent from work.

    TBJ, my advise is this: stick to what you do best. Wait for the event to take place and then cook up a video of how you predicted it. Your naive followers have always believed you, so why change what works for you. But then again, who should blame you for seizing an opportunity to get some more cheap popularity after that disaster where 116 followers of your perished in your hands. Keep watching your popular news channels for the ‘prophesies”. your followers never watch anything else except Emmanuel TV. So anything you pick up from, say CNN, and put it on your channel and claim it comes from you will be believed

  13. I knew this con artist from the beginning…He never got anything right!!! He thought he was one of them…but this time he was dribbled. SHAME!!!!

  14. When a prophesy is made, it doesn’t mean you relax u should keep on praying till something happens. may be God fore saw that if trump failed the state could get problems and many would die leave what belongs to God for him to solve,God does not fight flesh.

    • I wonder what there was to pray for in this “prophesy”. There had to be a winner and a loser, no two ways about it.

    • @ Tino,

      Did God tell you that or are you just guessing ?

      Trump has plenty skeletons in his closet to deal with. And the demonstrators and democrats will do everything to make him fail.

      That is why TB Joshua incited indirect violence already with the following words. In his word right here:

      “Democracy is all about accommodation. All democrats must value the process of democracy more than the product. God bless the United States of America.”

      He is talking about the product, which means what is created through so called democratic voting should actually be discarded and be removed. Which is another ploy for him to force the false private prophecy to change for his benefit and is then able to re-neigh upon. Who wants to follow such an idiot when you have to make win/win predictions that go both ways so you can deceive even the very elect if that was possible.

      Please read II Thessalonians 2 verse 10 onward for your own enlightenment and revelation about what he is like and what will come out of this.

      His claim of “you have to be a prophet or know a prophet” to understand his prophetic message right ? Why were all the other prophetic messages did not need anyone to explain them ? How clear it is ? As a day where the sun shines at noon.

  15. To you all, not only to “General”:

    AGAIN! –> THE POINT IS: THROUGHOUT ALL THE BIBLE we can read that IF(!) people repent, especially(!) the people of God repent and PRAY(!!!), God will not bring upon them the bad thing what He planned to do so.

    You like it or not, this IS the TRUTH. And THIS is the point!

    And NO Jonah did not have to go back and tell the people of Nineveh that ok guys, God changed His mind. It was obvious after the 40 days. (!)

    You people should read a Bible also where is talking about people whose mocking, ridicule, taunt the Man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. There is several serious warnings. The LordGod cannot stand and certainly punishes such people. You better stop and repent.
    Because God knows that this particular time WHY happened that T.B. Joshua saw that vision. God knows the reason. Anybody can guess, conjecture the reason, BUT only GOD knows surely the truth.

    You can accuse T.B. Joshua, ridicule him – what a godly, God fearing person would NEVER do, cause such a person knows the FACT that GOD MAY CHANGE THINGS, AS HE PROMISED,
    ‘If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’ 2 Chronicles 7:14

    I am sure, if somehow T.B. Joshua made a mistake, he will be honest about it, and tell the world.
    But I am sure, he saw what he told he saw and believed that was from God, cause why would anybody risk to be proven wrong, especially Prophet T.B. Joshua who was attacked so much until this time as well. In his shoe would you risk that ? Certainly NOT. I would not go out and tell something the world – through a TV channel what millions watch all over the world, if I would be not 100% sure that what I saw was from God and if I was not sure that God wants me to tell that thing to the world! But if I am sure that He showed me something and I am sure He wants me to tell the world, THAN of course, I have to be obedient. And if the thing change – AS with the case of Prophet JONAH, and what I said does not happen, than the responsibility is not mine, but God. And if people will ridicule me, God will take care of those who ridicule me, and He will still turn this for my good (that people ridicule me), since I love Him.
    – IF I was not sure that the vision is 100% from God, and/or I was not sure for 100% that He wants me go and tell the world, than I certainly made a mistake.
    Whichever the case is of the two above, people would ridicule me anyway.

    AND I am kinda sure, that you people here, if T.B. Joshua would said ‘the man wins’, you would STILL ridicule him!
    Cause this is your ugly purpose.
    And God will beat you this to your head, this is for sure.

    • @ Keglyem

      “And God will beat you this to your head, this is for sure.”

      Please, ask your doctor for an consultancy and go for an MRI and let them investigate your head close up. Thank you.

  16. Anybody can guess, conjecture the reason, BUT only GOD knows surely the truth.

    That one sentence says it all. It was just a guess based on what the news feeds were saying, TBJ never had a vision.

    • As Brian Carn and Stephen Choate of which TB Joshua stole their false prophecy from. Who are both serial liars and deceivers. Who are already caught out for over 8 years with their serial lies and scam practices.

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