Was TB Joshua’s anointed water a curse on Sierra Leone?

In August 2014, TB Joshua claimed that the Ebola situation was over, and everyone could go back to how they used to live (shockingly dangerous advice). You can hear his words in our “Top 3 prophecies of 2014” video. In the same month, he offered to send his anointed water to any of the affected countries, but only if a request came from the government. Incredibly, it appears that one country, Sierra Leone did request the anointed water.

How has that worked out for Sierra Leone? Tragically, very badly. First, let’s look at what happened to Ebola cases and deaths after the anointed water was delivered (according to WHO data).

EbolaSecondly, let’s look at how Sierra Leone compared to other affected countries. From the same WHO data we learn that:

  • Sierra Leone has the worst fatality rate amongst hospitalised cases
  • Sierra Leone is the worst for cases of unsafe burials
  • Sierra Leone has had significantly more new confirmed Ebola cases and deaths in 2015 than Liberia (where it has been almost completely eradicated) and Guinea (which has double the population of Sierra Leone).
  • Sierra Leone has had significantly more Ebola cases and deaths than any other country, almost double the next worst affected (Liberia).

What can we learn from this? One thing is certain – the anointed water did absolutely no good for Sierra Leone whatsoever. It is possible that it even contributed to the number of deaths. Telling people they can go back to the way they used to live, is the worst possible advice that can be given regarding Ebola. Ebola is relatively easy to contain if simple sanitary measures are taken. The fact that unsafe burials were a particular issue in Sierra Leone could suggest a preference towards more traditional medical care, hence the deadly idea of accepting “anointed” water.

Most anointed water testimonies are carefully choreographed and edited, we only see what SCOAN want us to see, and we only see the cases where they can spin it as a success. The gift of anointed water to Sierra Leone is a rare opportunity to measure its impact with real data. As you can see, the data show that at best the anointed water did nothing, at worst it caused unnecessary deaths.

Think about this before considering the anointed water as a solution to your problems.

Allegations of the Ebola virus at the Synagogue Church of All Nations

A worrying news report was broadcast yesterday revealing allegations that there were people at SCOAN carrying the deadly Ebola virus.

This should not be surprising, SCOAN attracts thousands of sick people from all over Africa every week. Even if the allegations are currently untrue, it is only a matter of time before the virus arrives. SCOAN need to take immediate action to put a stop to the masses of international visitors arriving each week, and if they won’t – the government should do so on their behalf.

There have also been unconfirmed reports (please post a link to the video in the comments if you have it) that TB Joshua is sending his anointed water to Liberia for distribution amongst Ebola victims. If this is true, it is a terrifying development. We foresee Ebola victims forgoing proper medical attention, spraying anointed water on themselves and proclaiming themselves healed – before returning to their communities and passing the disease on to others. If the reports are true, it is the height of irresponsibility, and we urge the government in all affected countries to denounce TB Joshua’s anointed water as a method of disease prevention.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that despite what SCOAN may say – there is not a single credibly verified case of anyone being healed of HIV by TB Joshua, and two international news agencies have reported cases of people dying of HIV after being “healed” by TB Joshua. If his powers don’t work for HIV, don’t trust it to solve the Ebola crisis.