Evidence of a culture of sexual abuse at TB Joshua’s church (part 2)

Below we feature the second part of a testimony from a young lady we’ll refer to as Kate who claims to have been sexually abused by the Pastor entrusted by TB Joshua to lead SCOAN Athens. As well as revealing horrifying details about life at SCOAN Athens, the story also shows a pattern of sexual abuse and coverup throughout SCOAN, coming from TB Joshua himself. Before writing off this story as false, readers should be aware that statistics show false rape claims are incredibly rare (between 2% and 8%). Considering the fact there are numerous women who allege TB Joshua or the Athens pastor have sexually abused them, the probability of them all being false is almost inconceivable. If you take the side of the alleged victim rather than the alleged perpetrator, statistically speaking you are far more likely to be on the right side.

Part 1 of Kate’s story can be read here.

Kate’s story part 2

As young people in the church, we were discouraged from having time to think. Andreas’ wife once said to me ‘As young people, your mind is always busy with negative, evil thoughts, with temptations. You need to work, work, work for God so that you don’t have time to think. Your work for God is your relationship with God’. This is another damaging teaching from the SCOAN. It is how much you ‘’work’’ for God that determines your standing before God. And by work they mean editing videos of TB Joshua or working for Emmanuel TV.

By November 2013, I was losing my mind.I gradually discovered that I was not the only girl being abused. This was going on with three other young women at the time. I confided in an older woman in the church called Sandra* and we went to confront Andeas. When we went to his office he said that I had a problem, that I needed prayer because I had seduced him. When Sandra* left, he told me that it was an evil spirit in me that had made me tell her. I told him that he had never been a true pastor for me and that he had totally destroyed my spiritual life.

When the matter became known amongst a small group of us, Andreas panicked and admitted that he had he begged TB Joshua to call him back to Nigeria. Before he left, he said to me ‘you are incapable of living without me. You can never remove what you have in your heart for me.” I then asked him ‘How do you think God sees our relationship?’ He looked at me as if I’d said something weird and said ‘God? He sees it as wrong. But as long as He is first in our hearts, God doesn’t pay attention to this kind of thing. And anyway, you cannot remove what you have in your heart for me.’

One of the main ways SCOAN have tried to cover up this issue was by preaching ‘forgiveness’. Andreas made sure that every sermon after this confrontation was about how if we don’t forgive, God would never forgive us. And by forgive he meant never speak about it, never tell anyone, suffer in silence.

Andreas’ wife appeared to know nothing, and when he left for Nigeria, most members of the branch was still under the impression that he was a wonderful, exemplary pastor. Once he was gone, I knew the situation couldn’t go on with this level of hypocrisy, so I booked a flight and went to Lagos to report him to TB Joshua. In my mind I was so sure that as a man of God, he would have the answer and everything would be alright. I was very mistaken.

After asking to see TB Joshua for 2 days, I was finally let into his office. I brought with me a letter signed by 8 people in Athens. In the letter we begged TB Joshua to take action, to condemn what Andreas had done and to confirm that he would never allow him to return to Athens.TB Joshua said the following shocking sentence:

‘What happened to you happened in the house of God, which means God is aware. If it had happened out in the world, it would be very bad, but because it happened in the house of God, it’s ok’.

Surely sexual abuse is terrible wherever it takes place, ESPECIALLY in the house of God?

He then looked at me very sternly and warned me ‘not to discuss it with anyone’. He said I should tell the people in Athens that the past is over and they should not think about it anymore, that he didn’t even need to read the letter. We should all move on.

This was TB Joshua’s first attempt to cover up the issue. Nothing changed after that. Andreas continued to be a disciple, his wife continued to run the branch without the knowledge of anything and we were all supposed to continue just as we were before. I now realize his incapability to deal with my own situation is because he was incapable of dealing with his own unresolved situations.

I returned to Athens and we up telling his wife the whole truth. She refused to believe us, we were banned from the church and called liars, prostitutes and betrayers of the ministry. SCOAN members all over Greece were split between believing us and not believing us. Most people called us blasphemers. When seen on the street we would be given dirty looks by church members. This was going on for a month and TB Joshua was doing nothing about it, despite our hundreds of emails asking for help. One evening, we were shocked by a phone call from TB Joshua himself. He said the following ‘I want you to be by Andreas’ side when he returns to Athens, you know, as a wise man like Harry’. We felt defeated. How could Andreas be sent as a wise man after all this? He tried telling us that he would send Andreas as a wise man in order to silence us with the fear that he would return as a holy man of God. When he saw that this tactic didn’t work, he sent Wise Man Harry to claim that TB Joshua never knew him in the first place. This showed terrible judgment and confusion on the part of TB Joshua.

After I told my parents the truth, they wrote an email to TB Joshua threatening to sue the ministry and Andreas if action was not taken and we were not justified. They demanded that a representative of the branch who can speak Greek be sent to sort the situation out. Hundreds of emails had been sent by SCOAN Athens members but TB Joshua had done nothing about it. The moment he was threatened however, he responded. 2 days later Wise Man Harry was sent to Athens. We were hopeful because we thought we would finally be vindicated- but no such thing.

Wise Man Harry stood on stage at about 12pm on Sunday June 1st 2014. He delivered a sermon of lies to the congregation. TB Joshua totally disassociated himself with the branch and denied having any connection with Andreas. There was no mention whatsoever of sexual abuse or the names of any girls. Wise man Harry was told by TB Joshua to say that it was Andreas’ arrogance and anger that led him to open the branch without the permission of TB Joshua. It’s interesting how for 8 years, SCOAN claim that they had no control over the Athens branch and that it was opened by Andreas on his own. If that is truly the case, then why are there videos all over youtube saying ‘TB Joshua has sent the anointed water to the Athens Branch? Why is there a whole DVD of wise man Harry holding a service at the Athens Branch? Why did they have the control to close it 8 years later? Why were the tithes of the branch sent to Nigeria and used for TB Joshua’s expenses? Why were most of the church members Emmanuel TV partners? Why did TB Joshua call us from time to time during a Sunday service in Athens and ‘greet his people’ over loudspeaker? And why up until June 1st was there a section on the SCOAN website called ‘Branches’ which included Athens with the address and phone number?

Harry’s message brought tension and confusion throughout the congregation. When people stood up and protested to what he was saying he said ‘do not blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ’, after he had just told lie upon lie to cover the reputation of the ministry. You can listen to the full audio recording and read the transcription in the other article. Shortly after this, a riot broke out amongst SCOAN followers and armed riot police had to come and break it up. By the next day, the Athens Branch was closed down and outraged members gathered outside to ask for their money and possessions back, having made huge financial investments in the church over the last eight years.

Unfortunately this is just the way SCOAN deal with their issues. TB Joshua will pay any price for the sake of his reputation. He did not care for the broken hearted. He totally betrayed his faithful followers. He will stop at nothing to protect the name of the church while people suffer. It is a dangerous organisation. I want to mention that I was a young person who had given my heart entirely to this ministry. I waited patiently for TB Joshua to be the man of God he claims to be but I was devastated and my life was turned upside down by the level of deception and hypocrisy.

This ministry is very good at putting on a very attractive performance but unfortunately that’s all it is. At the end of the day the life and soul of this church is about the worship of TB Joshua alone. The moment you start to think for yourself is when you become a threat to them.

I know that SCOAN will respond to this article with it’s usual attacks. There are disciples in the ministry who are specifically dedicated to this activity. This is the reason they film your confession when you first join the church. They hold you hostage with the knowledge that your intimate confessions could be made public at anytime in the future. I am sure they will do the same with me but it’s a price I’m willing to pay.

It’s hard to believe these serious allegations when you have dedicated your heart and soul to the ministry. I know I once read TB Joshua Watch and refused to believe a word of it. SCOAN will always say that people speaking against the ministry are of the devil. It’s not true. We are all people who have had a terrible experience and want to warn others. It does not benefit me in any way to share my experience with you. If anything, it’s incredibly risky and difficult. But if this can help someone then it’s worth it.

29 thoughts on “Evidence of a culture of sexual abuse at TB Joshua’s church (part 2)

  1. Kate, God bless you for standing for the truth and may God heal your wounded soul as His Word and Holy Spirit ALONE become its remedy.
    Thank you for having the courage to come out despite the hatred by many who will refuse to accept any of your words.
    So be it.
    Our Omniscient God KNOWS the truth and He is the One who vindicates those who suffer unjustly.
    I am more than certain my sister, that at least ONE person will read your story, as well as the evidence presented, and will come to their senses, breaking free from this deception. In fact, it won’t be just one..
    I noticed that I am the first one to comment on your story. Do you know why?
    People are shocked.
    Those who are reading this, whether for or against SCOAN, know it’s the truth.
    The Holy Spirit is testifying within them, as we are speaking, to the truth. Many of them don’t even know how to handle it, they are so overwhelmed. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures.
    Stand firm, be strong and cast all your pain, hurt and disappointment on the
    One Who can do the impossible: JESUS CHRIST.
    Don’t lose faith nor hope as you remember that He is more than able to repair ALL that is broken and scattered.
    God be with you.

  2. demonic lying blog, may God forgive you all. for lying against a MAN OF GOD Like SENIOR PROPHET TB JOSHUA.

    • Am a Nigeruan. We know TB very well. We have seen many of his types. The world will be shocked the day God choses to expose him himself. For now lets keep on keeping on..

      • Yes, we wait to see that day when the Lord Himself will expose this fraudster and criminal and false prophet, TBJ, who claims to be “man of God.” Shame on you, Temitope Balogun Joshua!

  3. OH and something more. May God forgive you and your kind Evan, all willfully blind and lovers of shadows and darkness. SHAME ON YOU SCOANITE.
    After all the proof the evidence that t.b joshua is A CON A LIAR A FORNICATOR, A CHARLATAN A COWARD A DECEIVER A CRIMINAL A SELF DELUDED NARCISSIST you continue to follow the darkness he represents, you are void of anything human you and your kind the scoanites zombies, God has abandoned you all in a spirit of deception just because you saw the light but you chose darkness.
    No one who follows scoan has any excuse anymore FOLLOWING SCOAN EQUALS FOLLOWING SATAN.

  4. Kate,during my healings-proces, after the scoan-period, i received a word from God, that helped me, to become whole again. I want to give it to you, so you may have the Grace and blessing of it; ‘I praise You, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderfull, I know this full well”. Psalm 139:14. Thank you, for your courage. Jezus is fighting for you. You are wonderfull.

  5. Kate,
    I want to commend you for coming out and share your hurtful and abusive experiences at the hands of tbj and devotees. You are very brave and wrote it down exactly as it is. I am just an outsider, with family and friends there, but I have experience of a few that came out of that hellhole of abuse and can testify that they went through the same as you. I, myself, in a smaller way, as a member went through the same after waking up to tbj’s deceptive and evil ways. It hurts. I was physically sick for 6 months, because of the shock of discovering the truth of what is going on in that cult.
    I, myself, was and is still heartbroken about these things and how that piece of scrap is changing the people I know into monsters, although I am mentally, spiritually and physically healed at this stage only through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I was comforted by this Word in the Bible and honoured to go through what Jesus My Lord went through at the hands of scoan and lived because Jesus died for me, so that I can live -hope it will bring comfort to you also andto the others:
    Being crucified with Jesus.
    If we identifies with Jesus Christ , we will go through what He went through at the hands of the religious leaders of His days- nothing has changed yet
    1 Peter 4:12-13
    I pray that you do not think it strange concerning the fiery trials which are to try you, as though some strange things happened; but that you will rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s suffering, that when His Glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
    Philippians 3:8-10
    I pray that you will count all things as a loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, your Lord, for whom you have suffered the loss of all things and count them rubbish, that you may gain Christ and be found in him, not having your own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death.

    Jesus suffered, because of other peoples sins.

    Luke 24:7
    The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men
    We will also go through the same sufferings, because of our own sins as well as other people sins-
    41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
    Mathew 26:38

    38 — and Jesus said to his disciples—
    my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death— that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death. Philippians 3:8-10
    Mark 14:36

    36 Abba Father—everything is possible for you—
    take this cup from me- yet not my will but yours be done—
    that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death. Philippians 3:8-10
    Luke 22:43-44

    43 An angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened him and being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground— that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death. Philippians 3:8-10

    Then they crucified Jesus and mock Him – that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death. Philippians 3:8-10
    Luke 22:40
    40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation (to fight spiritual battles physically-like Peter did there and then).”

    This happened just before Jesus was resurrected into a new life in heaven with a new glorified body!-that you may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death. Philippians 3:8-10

  6. “Kate,” may the Lord bless you for coming out boldly to share your story with the world, that others may learn. May He strengthen you and grant you the peace that passes all understanding. May He turn your pain and hurt into joy! Yes, these deluded, brainwashed and brain dead devotees will come after you with their lies and fabrications to try to discredit you, but be strong and know that He that is in you is greater than the one inside TBJ and his accomplices. The good news is that you have been delivered from this Synagogue of Satan and you have every good reason to rejoice in the Lord Jesus.
    T B Joshua and his accomplices will never go unpunished, and sooner than later we shall see God’s judgment on this agent of Satan, TBJ, and his kingdom of liars, deceivers, manipulators, fornicators, adulterers and home breakers!

    • Many days are for the theif but one day is for the owner. Its not about philantrophy. That is good in itself but using that as a ground to achieve devilish intentions, it will never go unpunished. What about Jesus of Agege and the other Jesus of Oyingbo? There are so many of you around today., deceiving millions of God people. Eddy Nnogu of Anambra State was so powerful that he was referred to as half nan, half spirit. But he too is gone today. Go open a Spuritual Cobsultancy. Do yiur wirk and make yoyr money. Sleep with any lady that comes yoyr way in mutual conscent. But never use the name of God. He is a resoectar of none. And the Bible says that ” Your sins would find yiy out”.

      • Thanks for the comments Ikech C. O. It’s encouraging to hear these words from a Nigerian. The vocal minority of Nigerians who blindly support everything TB Joshua does can sometimes give the impression that he’s a lot more respected in the country than he really is. I hope more and more Nigerians like you start speaking out about this nonsense masquerading as religion.

  7. In Greece we have a saying:
    “God loves the thief but He also loves the house owner.”
    The hour of the truth is more at hand than ever.
    Get ready….

  8. There are three types of people in the SCOAN.

    Those who have no idea that the church is headed by a false prophet.
    The walking dead – religious zombies that have been hypnotized and fooled by TB Joshua for so many years that they believe he is an untouchable god. These are the ones who hear reports about the rot in the church but are quick to defend TB Joshua and curse his critics.
    Unsuspecting lambs of God that go there thinking TB Joshua is a servant of God. When they see or experience the rot in the church they question or walk away from TB Joshua’s deception and finally expose him.

    Thank you Kate for coming forward with your story. When Bisola Johnson openly testified on video that TB Joshua would ask her to suck his thing prior to church services, many dismissed her as a liar and a prostitute. When it was alleged that TB Joshua impregnated a woman by the name of Lola, many dismissed the allegations and continued believing TB Joshua was a saint. The fact is TB Joshua is an immoral fox and if cameras were to be stopped from following him 24-7 every woman in SCOAN would be a sexual abuse statistic. I applaud every person that truthfully comes out to expose the immoral acts that take place in the synagogue of the lying serpent. Kate, if you are reading this comment, be assured that there is nothing TB Joshua or SCOAN will do to you. Do not be disheartened about the years you lost serving in a ministry deceived by a false prophet. End time deception is a reality but every person destined to be delivered from false prophets eventually finds himself out of their churches (with scars).

    • You left one one group: those who benefit financially from the system knowing very well that it is a rotten institution like the so called wise men. They work tirelessly to keep the wheels of the business running so that they keep earning.

      • Kate, thank you for your courage and selflessness in sharing your story. How awful it is that these men of greed and lust parade as servants of God. The frightening thing is that TB Joshua said something very similar to me when he abused me. He claimed, “This is for the salvation of your soul. If I don’t do this, satan will send someone else who will take you away from God.” You are incredibly brave to have spoken out and I promise that the filth of Andreas will wash away and a time will come when you feel cleansed. Until that day comes, and it will take a while, may your loved ones and friends, and the joy of beautiful everyday moments see you through this time of grief and betrayal.

        Those who lash out against you are wounded themselves. Like puppies blindfolded to the cruelty and wickedness of their master, who feeds them with one hand and beats them with the other. How bad the abuse is when you are forced to believe it is in your own interest? How intensely wicked an abuser who twists the guilt of his despicable acts onto his victim. His evil on you, his depravation on you.

        Only to pity TB Joshua’s followers, for they too are fearful, abused and trapped spiritually – robbed of a genuine relationship with the god they think they serve. The closer the disciple, the more the control, the fear and immense pressure to stop rational thinking. The resulting mental and emotional numbness is the worst state of being. I wish it on no-one. But here we are, free. Not numb. I feel freely, I think freely and I speak freely. And you dear Kate are sharing a story that once humiliated us to silence. May we live to tell the tale of rescue and redemption as we wait for the final Judge. It is frustrating to wait. Oh may that day come soon.

  9. T B Joshua and his partners in crime must humbly come before their deceived congregation and confess their atrocities, fornications, adulteries, false prophecies, fake miracles, fake deliverances, hypocrisy, lies, and manipulations. They should not only confess, but also repent! Whatever the case may be, they cannot run away from divine judgement, which is already at the door, but they may find mercy. This is not an appeal, but a command, and they had better listen before the wrath of God falls upon them and their Synagogue of Satan!

  10. Christ is all I have, God is all I seek, the Holy Spirit is all I need.
    Anything beyond His Will is a sin.
    I have stood for the truth against falsehood and deception in a church that bears His Name. Because He placed me there. He wanted it all to come to light.
    Just as He instructed me.
    Despite my little strength.
    Despite the sword that pierced my heart.
    Despite the pain as I was battling between what was ever true and not.
    God is God. He reigns for eternity.
    Because of Him, I live.
    This is the only truth that shall remain unchangeable in my heart alongside with the mighty truth of the Cross, His Word.
    He is the Judge and the Executer.
    His Mighty Power and Sovereignty must and shall prevail over all.
    Thy Will, Lord, be done.
    Love and the Truth are indeed inseperable.


  11. The experience Kate and others have gone through is all too common in many of our one man owned evangelical churches today. Many of these churches were started purely as “businesses” with monetary gains as the reason. Just try to find out what the owners of these churches were before they started their churches. They were either jobless with no financial means or they were working under someones church and decided they too could start theirs.

    Now when a man amasses wealth and power in such an easy way (lying and lying and people put it in his hands), he is more likely to abuse it. Remember he is not answerable to any one. Their wives are more likely to stick with them because of the financial benefits they are enjoying.

    • Yes, and they will perish with their wives and their collaborators! Be not deceived, God is not mocked! Gal 6:7

  12. Some of us in Nigeria feel very sorry for all these victims of sexual abuse in SCOAN. When we watch our TV and see thousands of people trooping to SCOAN fron across the globe, we sigh in deep axiety. We also pray that God will expose all these wirjs of darkness and save his people from greedy abd frivolous magiciabs.
    Is TB a true prophet of God? Many adherents could stone you to death if you abswered NO. But if you asked then for evidence, they would point to his numerous miracles abd benevolebce. But dobt demins perform miracles and magic? His own parents spoke about him many years ago. They said that al their family members are muslims until TB vanished mysteriously only to reappear much later on television performing miracles.
    Ask him these 3 questions;
    1. When did he meet the Lord?
    2. Who christianed him, baptized him or led him to Christ?
    3. When did God call him, where abd how?
    Any pastor who lacks these basic initial experiences should not lay his hands on you in prayers.
    May God heal your depression abd use you to liberate many others in Jesus Name – Amen!

    • @ IKech

      Many other people asked that, the answers is 15 months in the womb and later 20 months in womb. On SCOAN videos. They now make sure they are deleted from any server. Revel2123 did have them but deleted his account on YouTube. Perhaps it will show up on Joshua Debunker on YouTube. If not still have a look there.

  13. We’re still here and waiting to see when that criminal, T B Joshua, who calls himself, “man of God,” would be brought to justice for the murder of scores of people from South Africa, and other parts of the world. Would these Nigerians do the right thing or did they accept TBJ’s bribe to hush the matter before the coroner?

  14. John 10:10 the thief cometh not but to steal kill and destroy. That is Kate’s work. Who is this Kate we can’t see her face? TBJ will continue to be the most controversial pastor in the world just as Christ was. The more people like you want to bring him down the more his grace increase. You can’t course whom God has blessed.

  15. Pingback: TB Joshua Why Have You Abandoned The Sexual Abuse Victims of The Scoan Athens Branch? | TB JOSHUA WATCH BLOG

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