Repost: Hattie’s story, part 3. Thought process

From the archive: In part three of her story, Hattie explores the thought process she went through which ultimately led to her severing her allegiance to SCOAN.

Who am I to question this man who is performing all these miracles and has such supernatural knowledge? He knows God better than I do and I had better listen to him.

TB Joshua appears to have such power in the supernatural realm and such knowledge about people. I wonder what he knows about me? I wonder if he will say anything about me? I am such a sinner.

TB Joshua seems to have “confrontation” with evil and often casts out demons. I don’t and am not even aware of that side of things much. I had better watch out/pray more/read my bible more/learn from TB Joshua more. (It indirectly made me acutely aware of evil at work and probably fear it more if I am honest)

A realisation

Some time passed and I simply carried on with my busy life.

Slowly I began to notice changes in people I knew that were involved with SCOAN closely. Most definitely these changes were for the worse and certainly not in keeping with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. It became more and more obvious with time. The people I knew were becoming increasingly hard, unloving and arrogant. They were disinterested in and withdrawing from relationships  and obsessed with all things SCOAN. It wasn’t just one person, I saw it happening across the board.   Within the families I knew who were involved, there was relationship breakdown, depression, isolation from the wider Christian community and rejection of family not involved in SCOAN.  All as a direct result of SCOAN involvement. I began to see that there was something very very wrong here. There was a deep discomfort within me. These people seemed to be burdened yet denied that burden completely. There appeared to be a real inner conflict going on, again denied. It seems strange to say it but there was something about their eyes. They seemed so hard.

A revelation

As a direct result of these concerns I began to pray and pray diligently and daily. In a way I never had before. I also went to pray with another Christian who I knew and respected, having seen many good fruits in their life and ministry. I still at that point totally believed SCOAN was a genuine move of God. That the problems were in the failings of the “men” involved for which SCOAN was obviously not responsible. I had purposefully never read any negative publicity about SCOAN. I just prayed and this fellow believer prayed for me, for discernment and understanding and that God would show me what was going on.

Amazing things began to happen to me. Over a period of a few days, I woke up in the night with Scriptures echoing in my mind. My heart would beat fast and I know that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. It was like I was waking up from a long sleep. I could see in colour and my spirit soared. It happened in the day too that I would just be reminded of Scripture and I would write it down.

The most poignant dream of all, I liken to an experience where quite literally the scales fell from my eyes. I remember that moment of revelation and it was so beautiful.  I was reminded of conversations I had had in SCOAN whilst visiting and they stopped me in my tracks in this dream.

The first one was with someone I met there. I said “this really makes me question whether I am really a Christian” (i.e. I don’t see these things happening in my life..I must be nothing.)

The second was an inner conversation. I remember the incredible burden I felt and incredible condemnation and awareness of sin. Things I had long since repented of. I remember being petrified that thoughts would be broadcast to the audience too, (because this is what happens there!) I knew I was saved when I went and I knew that my sins were forgiven but somehow I didn’t quite believe it. I remember saying over and over to myself the scripture “for there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” I now know that this was my own little spiritual battle going on.

So when I awoke in the middle of the night, heart pounding, I was so aware of God’s overwhelming love for me. That Jesus had died for me. That He had paid the price and He had made me and He loved me for me. It was all finished. It was like I was hearing the Gospel for the first time. Indeed there is no condemnation!  I was shown very clearly in that moment that it was the Deceiver ( making me question my salvation) and the Accuser (making me conscious of past sins) that was at work here.

I was utterly astounded. It was as if my world just turned upside down. It was from then that I began to look at the quotable quotes and see how they were twisting scripture. Very subtly but very significantly.

I remember one example in particular. One of the quotes on a SCOAN card read “Jesus is reachable” and I thought to myself “NO! Jesus was God’s way of reaching us! That is what sets Christianity apart from all other faiths..”It’s subtle but it implies there is something you have to do, or somewhere you have to go to reach Jesus (e.g. SCOAN)

It was only at that point that I began to look at some of the internet publicity that was around at the time.

I looked at the allegations (and was horrified but did not simply take then at face value) I knew that regardless of whether those allegations are true or false that this was not of God.I looked at the definition of cults (and was horrified that it ticked every single box: certainly where the disciples are concerned) What the visitors see is a careful showcase of propaganda to portray a genuine and very exciting Christian church. It was very carefully orchestrated and I was a ready victim for the psychological techniques employed. I am not alone.

What I believe SCOAN is doing is deceiving and distracting and enslaving many precious children of God. Deceiving even the elect. It totally undermines our individual relationship with God through Jesus by adding in another intermediary. It points us off course.

To anyone reading this: Please don’t just take my word for it. Seek God with all your heart and be prepared for His answer and not just what you want to hear. Jesus is the Saviour, Redeemer and Restorer. He really is the answer but you have to seek Him and Him alone.

Repost: Hattie’s story, part 2. Returning to the UK

From the archive… This is part 2 of Hattie’s story. Follow the link to read Part 1 “Visiting SCOAN, first impressions“. Part 3 will be published tomorrow.

When I came back to the UK I was excited about it and told everyone about it. I was more evangelistic than I had ever been before. I had more courage to pray for people and I thought I had the magic formula now. Funnily enough, I never saw any results and when talking about it, TB Joshua and Jesus usually occupied the same sentence. I know now that my faith was in what I had seen in Lagos and not in God. I hardly ever read my Bible and preferred to watch TB Joshua videos. They seemed more exciting to me.

Deep down I thought I was inadequate and that I was too sinful and too much of a failure to be of any use to God.

If anyone spoke against TB Joshua, I would however become quite angry and defensive. I would think to myself “who are you to say that? You are not much of a Christian! Who are you to judge? At least I am accepting God’s prophet and can recognise a move of God when I see one!”  If pastors questioned it then I would think to myself “You are just scared that you are getting it wrong and you don’t want to be confronted by that. It is because you feel threatened by it and that it might undermine you that you won’t accept it/visit Lagos”

I had developed an incredible spiritual pride and was very judgmental about others depending on whether or not they “recognised TB Joshua”. This was the same for the others I knew that were involved.  Yet I now realise that my own spiritual walk was faltering hugely…I was feeling incredibly spiritually undermined, hugely inadequate and that I was a nobody in God’s kingdom…I have since likened it to a spiritual bone marrow transplant. My very lifeblood  (Christian faith) was being suppressed and then replaced with something different (doctrine of SCOAN and TB Joshua).

I really believed that you had to go to Lagos and meet TB Joshua to have any basis for criticism and this is an argument that is used frequently by those in SCOAN. But I now realise that to put yourself in that position is to subject yourself to an environment where you are programmed to believe. You are subject to a profound deception on both a psychological and a spiritual level.

Repost: Hattie’s story, part 1. Visiting SCOAN, first impressions

A post from the archive, part 2 and 3 to follow.

Why am I writing this? I have a unique viewpoint. I have been to SCOAN as a visitor and have been entranced by it. I have watched many videos and I have watched Emmanuel TV.  I was for a long time a sympathiser, never deeply involved but certainly deeply affected. I have known disciples (very well) both before, during and after their involvement and I want to bear witness to the truth, to share my story. I will also share my perception of the psychological and spiritual processes at work.

Continue reading

Jeremiah’s story: The shocking truth behind SCOAN Athen’s closure

A member of SCOAN Athens has got in contact with us to tell the shocking inside story of the closure of the SCOAN branch. You will read in his story that SCOAN are now denying that Athens was ever an official branch. This is a blatant lie, as proven by the screengrab from Emmanuel TV below, and the screengrab of the SCOAN website in our previous post.
Proof that SCOAN Athens was once an official SCOAN branch

Proof that SCOAN Athens was once an official SCOAN branch

My name is “Jeremiah” and I have been a member and worker from the beginning at SCOAN ATHENS BRANCH. As some of you may have heard this church exists no more. It closed down on June 1st 2014 after wise man Harry announced that it NEVER was a SCOAN branch as it had never received official approval. Yes, Harry came to Athens to close down a church that actually, was stated to never had belonged to SCOAN. Being present myself, what we were told was that this man-the pastor- was a “rude, disobedient, disrespectful and full of anger man” who left SCOAN LAGOS as he and his wife were undergoing discipleship. According to Harry, this man opened the church on his own together with some other people with whom he had been sharing his teachings.

Can you imagine the shock for all of us who had belonged to and had invested in this church for all these years? Now, whether this church was or not an official SCOAN branch, let the fact be known that until last Wednesday it was under the category of “branches” on their official website, not to mention the numerous healings and deliverances with the anointing water broadcast on Emmanuel TV, where the church was clearly stated both audibly and subtitled as the SCOAN ATHENS BRANCH, speak for themselves.

One may ask rightfully, then why did all this happen? Well….the truth of the matter is this: for the last couple of months allegations had been made against the pastor, who actually had left in January to go to SCOAN LAGOS, for “training” as we were told. During that period, his wife had taken over when the above allegations came to light. No more, no less, four female members/workers of the church accused the pastor of sexual abuse for the past three years. When this first broke out, the church was divided into two: those who believed the girls and those who didn’t. I, myself, was among those who didn’t. And never would have, if God Almighty had not orchestrated things in such a way that everything was exposed. You see, the leadership of the church and we who were for the pastor began to accuse these girls as liars, traitors and destroyers, and this led to extensive emails to LAGOS from those who were against, the girls themselves and their families, in which horrific details of emotional, religious and physical manipulation were mentioned. Finally, under the pressure of it all, the man was sent back to confess his sins. And indeed, being notified personally of his return we, who were closest to him were told the truth. A workers’ meeting followed in which he confessed in front of the workers and victims, of his sins. And I state here “he confessed” NOT repented. The full truth and the magnitude of this abomination had not been yet revealed, and until this day has not been yet, as more and more elements of this obscurity have been coming into light.

If I continue writing, it will never end….so there will have to be a part 2 or even 3. For the time being all I wish to say is this: we have been deceived, manipulated, extremely hurt and disappointed….anger, pain, sadness and coming to terms with all that has been light and all that has been darkness, has been my portion for long….knowing that a place where God led you, restored you and saved you has now turned into an abomination, is not something one can easily perceive…having to maintain the balance between Love and Forgiveness and the Truth, is something you can accomplish ONLY by a steadfast look of faith on the Cross of Calvary. ON CHRIST ALONE. I have  forgiven this man, as I clearly can see now that he is disturbed and is in dire need of both mental and spiritual help, himself….however I cannot and will not ignore the fact that the truth must shine, as our God is Light and Righteousness…and even more so, because there are STILL people who are actually under the veil of deception, in denial of the truth, brothers and sisters of mine, whom God loves so much and painfully desires they be set free.


Our thoughts and prayers are with Jeremiah, all those left confused and demoralised by this branch closure and particularly the young ladies who have been abused by this pastor. We plead with the remnant of SCOAN Athens to ensure that criminal charges are brought against this pastor to protect any potential future victims. Anyone with further information can email

Joy’s story – discovering the truth about TB Joshua

Joy (name changed) spent 7 years as part of an American ministry that became closely (though never officially) associated to TB Joshua and remains so to this day. Almost two years ago the Pastor of this ministry (referred to in this post as P.J.) tragically lost his wife to cancer. This lady had been a close friend and confident to Joy. Out of respect for her late friend, Joy has asked that neither the pastor or his wife’s name be used in the post or subsequent comments. It may be obvious to many people who it is referring to, but please respect Joy’s wishes on this matter.

My reason for writing is not vengeance for having been hurt, but it is for the TRUTH to be exposed because now God is calling all to repentance INCLUDING T.B. JOSHUA and anyone else who is in this deception. I have had to repent before a living God of ever having been deceived and involved at any level in this corrupt gospel. Perhaps this was the time to share this experience.

My journey with P.J. and his wife lasted a good 7 years at least. I am sure that God brought me there at the beginning, when he still had an independent ministry, seeking after righteousness and preparing for our LORD’s return. It was about 5 years after I was in the ministry, that he gave up his own ministry to submit himself totally under the authority of T.B. Joshua. To be quite honest with you, his wife was not totally on board at the beginning. I also perceive she never became totally convinced as she would often go back and forth with her reaction to the SCOAN ministry. I think she wanted peace between her and her husband so she would conform.

Upon returning from her first trip to SCOAN, she was hit with a diagnosis of cancer. At SCOAN the use of medication is frowned upon, but despite her husbands protest she insisted on receiving radiotherapy. Sadly, despite all the prayers and medical interventions, she still passed away. I believe that in her last days on this earth, the very capable Holy Spirit ministered to her to prepare her for her journey home. I left the ministry about 6 months before the pastor’s wife died, I thank my LORD that during the year before I left, He gave me the opportunity to spend many hours traveling alone with her on a weekly basis. It was precious time that the HOLY SPIRIT used to minister to her heart and soul as she faced the end of her life.

Leaving the ministry was incredibly difficult to do, but I knew the LORD was leading me on a different path, and I had a growing unease about the direction the pastor was taking. When I left I was then ostracized from the group, losing a friendship with a sister and her family of 25 + years because I was perceived to be on the “wrong road”. “Agape Love” my former friend called it.

At this point I had grave concerns about TB Joshua’s ministry, but hadn’t come to any firm conclusions. Over the next period of my life, the LORD providentially used multiple situations to help me clearly see the truth about TB Joshua. I want to share them with you now in the hope that it helps others wake up to the truth.

Firstly, even in my last days with this ministry, I had started to get connected with a true ministry of the LORD in Kenya. After leaving, I traveled to Kenya and the LORD orchestrated me sitting at the table with a delegation of high ranking Pastors visiting from Nigeria who shed much light on TB Joshua and SCOAN. Another Pastor who was visiting from Asia said some of his fellowship had left to follow TB Joshua and it had had a terrible effect on them.

A second providential moment happened when I was on my way to the airport. I was sharing a ride with a Nigerian brother who knew nothing of my previous connection with SCOAN. Out of the blue, he started sharing with me a dream the LORD had given him about this so called “prophet”. In the dream he saw a pole in SCOAN where unclean spirits and powers were traveling up and down…then he heard the voice of the LORD saying, “I have given him (referring to T. B. Joshua) time to repent but he has not”. Was this conversation a coincidence? I think not. God had it all planned to expose the truth to me. He knew how much I needed to know the truth.

The LORD also exposed the falsehood of this ministry from simple brochures of Corrie Ten Boon, there were quotes from this woman of God who had already passed away, that T.B. Joshua was using…the problem I saw was this: Why was it that I had believed they were original T.B. Joshua quotes? Should he not have given credit of this quotes to the woman who wrote them? To some this might not seem a big deal, but it certainly left a bad taste and suggested an element of deception and dishonesty within the ministry. Since then I have learned though the TB Joshua Watch site that a huge number of other “original TB Joshua Quotes” are also plagiarised.

Last but not least, the Word of God says that by their fruit, you will know them. What I witnessed in the ministry since the pastor submitted himself under the authority of T.B. Joshua was quarreling, division, ostracizing of people who left the ministry, the anointing water becoming bigger than our LORD Jesus Christ, to name a few things. Before connecting with TB Joshua’s ministry, the LORD performed many miracles through P.J’s ministry, but during the years after coming under the authority of TB Joshua, I can’t truthfully claim I saw a single genuine miracle. There was also the case of a young man connected with SCOAN who I met when an English couple who worked closely with T.B. Joshua came to New York to do an anointed water service in a Church in Queens, NY that P.J. had arranged. This couple apparently had been connected to this young man, whom we then met. After the couple went back to Lagos, this young man continued to attend our weekly service and leadership meetings. I speak of him because his earnest desire to serve the LORD with his whole heart had impressed me. I had several opportunities to speak with him candidly and got to see him as I would my own son. After some struggle, his dream of traveling to SCOAN and becoming a disciple came true. At the time I was very happy for him because I did not know the deception that was in that ministry. Since he went there, I never had contact with him again. I saw him when they had the anointed water service in Washington State, he also went there. The only thing I could say is that I saw his countenance on the live broadcast through internet and he appeared so “stony faced”. I remember P.J’s wife telling me (as she had traveled to Washington state to attend the service with her husband) that he barely acknowledged them. I often think of that young man and wonder how he is doing. I pray that he will wake up to the truth and that it will set him free!

Upon my return home from my first trip to Kenya, the conclusion of the matter given to me by our LORD is that T.B. Joshua was a false prophet and P.J. had been led to become a blind shepherd. Not long after P.J.’s wife died, the Super Storm Sandy destroyed the property used by the ministry. Some of us who are no longer in the ministry but were close to them also thought that perhaps after the these setbacks he would repent, but instead he continued with full force claiming that the happenings were from the enemy to stop the work. I have placed this man who was my former pastor at the Altar of Jehovah! I have forgiven any offenses and my prayer is that they repent and turn from sin, as I have done as well! A key Scripture that God has ingrained in my heart during this time is in Hebrews 12:13 I believe where its says to “MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO LIVE IN PEACE AND BE HOLY, BECAUSE WITHOUT HOLINESS, NO ONE (AND THAT MEANS NO ONE!) WILL SEE THE LORD!

Emmanuel TV: TB Joshua is “Jesus of this generation”

A few months ago we revealed that Emmanuel TV declared TB Joshua to be the “messiah of our times“, now they’re back with a man naming him “Jesus of this generation” during a service on the 5th January. What makes it even more interesting is that earlier in the service, a man was corrected by the Emmanuel TV presenter for claiming that the anointed water would cure you, the presenter said there was no power in the anointed water, but it was the power of Jesus working through the water (which, as we’ve pointed out before, makes the anointed water pointless). This clearly shows that the presenters are ready to correct certain mistakes, so why do they repeatedly leave the messianic claims uncontested? Both clips are included in the video below:

After posting the “messiah of our times” video, we were amazed that most of the TB Joshua followers actually supported the claim. This is most likely why people are not corrected for blasphemies like this, because SCOAN supports them too.

Thanks to “General” for sending in the video.

TB Joshua named “messiah of our time” on Emmanuel TV

A reader recently sent us an extremely disturbing video. The video was from Emmanuel TV, and showed a woman testifying to her recent deliverance thanks to the Anointed Water. In the clip below she calls TB Joshua the “messiah of our time” 3 times, and the interviewer makes no attempt to correct this.

TB Joshua is responsible for what is broadcast on his TV channel, the fact that a statement like this has been made not once, not twice, but three times without being challenged should be a serious concern to all supporters of Emmanuel TV, SCOAN or TB Joshua. By broadcasting it they are supporting it. If they don’t support the statement, then we should expect a full and frank retraction.

As we have covered before, this view is not uncommon. There are websites online with pages of articles claiming that he is a messiah, and plenty of SCOAN media gives this message implicitly.

An open letter to TB Joshua

If you follow Emmanuel TV closely, you could be forgiven for believing that thousands are healed every week, hundreds of laser accurate prophecies are given and demons are sent packing from every corner of the church. The reality, as we have found is much different. We have shown that there is zero credible evidence that a single person has ever been healed of HIV, disciples have had their lives torn apart by their involvement with SCOAN, demonstrating far more of what you might call “demonised” behaviour during/after their involvement than before. Finally, we have shown beyond any doubt that SCOAN deceptively edit their video output to make things look more favourable on them.

In this post, we publish in full an open letter by someone who has desperately sought healing through SCOAN. As you will see, he is not a supporter of our site, but asked us to publish his letter because he wants answers to his questions. We know he is far from alone in having sought healing and come away dissapointed, in fact in our experience he’s lucky to have even come away alive. His story provides an alternative to the “miracle warehouse” narative offered by Emmanuel TV.

My name is Ryan. I am from South Africa and am 38 years old. I am scared to write this post but as I drove to church this morning I realized it is better I find out the truth as I don’t know what to do anymore and.

I am scared because I am exposing myself on the internet but I have tried all other means available to get my story across. Let me make it very clear, I DO NOT support TBJoshuaWatch or WatchTBJoshua blogs as they are not endorsed or supported by SCOAN. I have been an Emmanuel TV Partner for almost 7 years and an avid supporter of TB Joshua‘s ministry for over 14 years.

My story is a sad one as I shot myself in the neck 14 years ago after going through months of depression. I never knew that I was suffering from depression until a year before my injury. I started taking anti-depressants and after tapering down I experienced tremendous stress at work. I started taking the normal dosage again plus an anti anxiety medication but I was spiralling into a hole and did not sleep for 6 weeks. I was sweating profusely at night because of panic attacks, went for prayer and counselling but to no avail.  I was so tired the morning I broke open my moms cupboard to take her gun that I did not even think of my spinal cord when I contemplated shooting myself to escape out of a mental prison because of fear in my work situation. My mind was totally clouded.

As you can imagine the results were disastrous after I pulled the trigger. I shot myself at point blank range with a .32 calibre revolver and was immediately paralyzed.

I could not remember anything for a month after that. I was in ICU for 6 weeks and in rehab for another 8 months as an in and out patient.

Life was hell as I was quadriplegic injured at C6 level paralyzed from the chest down with limited use of my arms. Since then I have made a study about healing and forgiveness and realized just as God heals and forgives people with aids He can and wants to heal and forgive me.

For 14 years I have written to the Synagogue Church of All Nations to visit the prayer line but have been declined. Approximately 7 years ago I joined as an Emmanuel TV partner and wrote to the man of God Prophet TB Joshua. In June 2007 he phoned me and said he would like to see me when he comes to South Africa again. In December 2007 there was an Emmanuel TV partner dinner at the St. Georges hotel in Pretoria, South Africa and I was treated like an outcast and not a partner as I was in a wheelchair.

I wrote to the man of God and a few days later he phoned me and said not to worry as he would personally invite me to his place of stay the next week through the junior prophets as he was coming to South Africa again.

It did not transpire and I don’t know why and my parents were very upset as they answered my mobile phone each time in the early hours of the morning and were witness to the conversation.

I received anointed water a long time after this but after countless emails no direct response as to why the commitment was not honoured. Only a few automated prayer request responses. I believe TB Joshua is a true man of God but there is a true lack of transparency with the junior disciples as the message or my message is not getting through. I understand it is a massive Church and I am a nobody, so my message might disappear as there are lots of desperate people.

It is another 6 years later and I am disillusioned as 3 years ago I sent a personal letter with another Pastor to the man of God which he received but for which I am still awaiting a reply.

I have been contemplating writing this letter for many years and I have been scared, but I realized as long as I am telling the truth there is nothing to be scared of as my parents are my witness and God heard the conversation.

What do I want? I want answers from SCOAN why I am being ignored? Why was the commitment not honoured? Why do I not qualify for the prayer line if murderers and rapists do?

I feel terrible in writing this but I realized I might end up dying without ever knowing just because I was too scared too ask.

I am open to correction and will publicly apologize where I have made wrong assumptions or statements but I feel I have a right to be heard and answered. My story, history and medical records can be verified by doctors, specialists, family and friends.

Please comment.

God bless

South Africa

For those doubting the authenticity of this story, you can read more about Ryan in this unrelated story on an Australian news site, and you can visit his blog here.

“Tortured” at SCOAN – Nosa Osaghae responds

In July, we published Nosa Osaghae’s story of horrific physical abuse and torture he suffered at the hands of TB Joshua’s security guards, as well as confirmation from a third party that his story was in fact true. Since then Nosa has had all kinds of accusations thown at him, mostly suggesting he is a poor man who was paid off to discredit TB Joshua. In this post Nosa responds to these critics.
Nosa Osaghae

Nosa Osaghae

I am Nosa Osaghae the so called “poor man” who was paid the proverbial “30 Pieces of Silver” like Judas Iscariot to lie against your so called “lord & master” in the synagogue who in your eyes can do no wrong as he has become a god-like deity in your sight as you would love to believe…

But let me greatly disappoint you because this “poor man” who has lived in most of major cities in Europe for the best part of his adult life and is currently living comfortably as an I.T Consultant and a Satellite / Wireless Internet Service Provider in Benin City (Nigeria) as a secular profession in addition to his ministerial duties which Paul the apostle calls “Tent Making” has seen and handled enough money in his entire life from his birthday till today…

So I will post a rhetoric question to those who hate the truth and love lies: how much do you think I was paid to fabricate this lie and how much do you think I should pay “you” to fabricate a similar lie, since it’s such a profitable I.T Business to tell such lies…

For a change why do you not ask the ” man in the synagogue church” for his “official statement” on this issue after all, he instructed the Nigeria police to detain me for three days @ Ikotun Egbe Police station, Lagos, Nigeria on that fateful day with a trumped up charge of “attempted kidnap” which they immediately dropped when they saw they futility and folly of such an allegation in the court of law which i vehemently made clear to the interrogating police officer (IPO) that I was more than ready to contest legally with my solicitor in the court of law as well inform the international human rights organization and the local / international press of such human rights abuses, the latter of which i was instructed by the Lord not to do…or do you think I was also “paid” to fabricate this police station aspect of the matter as another “new” lie ???

For those who love the truth and hate lies..remember this fact that Jesus Christ has warned us that in this end time, the false prophets & christ will surely wax stronger while people’s love of the truth will surely wax colder…so do not be moved by the acts of such endtime “men of gods” as i call them because…the higher they come, the deeper they fall!

Now to answer some specific questions posed by commentors on my original post:

1) I had every intention backed with my financial / legal resources and the support of my very large and extended family both in Nigeria and abroad, as at the time the incident took place to legally sue the “skin” off the back of that prophet and his synagogue church to the highest / supreme court in my country and claim severe damages as well as cause an international media scandal and controversy for him that he will forever live to regret as a “pay-back’ to him (…matter of fact I still have that intention within me because it is still a pending case kept-in-view @ the Ikotun Ebge police station..); but The Lord has strictly commanded me not to do it which is also in line with His written commandment in the Word of God that we should not be dragging fellow believers / ministers to court whether they be right or wrong, true or false when we are offended by them in the course of our ministerial duties (1 Corinthians 6:1-8). So regardless of my feelings and intentions, i am duty bound to obey the voice of The Father!

2) I do not fear any human or demon on earth, I only fear God: even when i was still in the world before i repented from my sinful and violent ways in March, 2003 and was instructed by the Lord to depart from the United kingdom (where i was living then) back to Nigeria to work in His vineyard; I fearlessly dealt with all manner of dangerous and harmful threats from all manner of people including assassination attempts; be it from the Italian Mafiosi in Napoli (Italy), Russian Mafia in Berlin (Germany), Drug barons in Amsterdam (Holland), American & Jamaican gangsters etc. None of them were able to hurt me however hard they tried and many of them even dreaded my anticipated retaliation attacks against them; how much less the puny “security touts” of that prophet in that synagogue church. I’ve had countless encounters and experiences with all manner of international law enforcement agencies from Germany to Italy to Holland to Ireland to France to Scotland to the United Kingdom & United States how much less the local police force in Nigeria. So I know my legal and human rights as well as how to defend and fight for it to the very last! Now I cherish the peace of Jesus Christ in me!

3) As for posting pictures of torture scars and weals on my body as further proof of evidence let me say that I can do much better than that if need be, because I was not the only one attacked on that “fateful Friday the 10th of November 2006″ as I went in the company of a Christian Brother called “Stanley” and we were both beaten and tortured with those “electric batons” and locked up in a police cell for four days and if it is legally necessary, I will produce him as a living witness in a court of law to testify of the evil acts of that synagogue church perpetrated against both of us.

4) For my motive of posting this sad and unfortunate experience of mine online, i simply want to let people all over the world know what is obtainable in such a so called “church of God” that pretends to the outside world to be “harmless doves” especially on Satellite TV, whereas in secret they are “dangerous vipers” so as to forewarn the unsuspecting believers who might be contemplating going there to fellowship with them…as the wise would say: To be fore warned is to be fore armed!

5) Whether you believe it or not, like it or nor, accept it or not: this is the truth of what happened to me @ the synagogue church! Their prophet was the one who instructed them to video tape the entire encounter of torture and interrogation as well as the police to lock the two of us in a cell which the investigating female police officer confirmed by passing a message across to me from that “synagogue prophet” that he wants “us” to settle the matter right there at the police station “amicably” instead of dragging it to the law court which I was prepared to do, since they were trying to charge me with a ludicrous and ridiculous case of an “attempted kidnap” of their church member.

Finally, let the synagogue fan club tell their “man in the synagogue” if he is truly a “real man” like other real men to dare and come out from his “barricaded secret coven” at Ikotun to publicly and openly call me a “liar” and “deny” any knowledge of this incident and that he did not instruct the police to drop their illegal arrest and charge he instituted against me which by both state and federal law is unconstitutional. Then see if I will not come out openly and legally to sue him in the federal high court of justice to defend my integrity and civil right as this is “scripturally permitted” because this time am not being persecuted on a ministerial assignment which is a matter for God Almighty to judge as in the case of Paul & Silas locked up in prison (Acts 16: 16-26); but am now being attacked on a civil and personal issue which is a matter for the magistrate to judge in a lawful assembly as in the case of Paul vs Demetrius in Ephesus (Acts 19:24-39).

I Rest My Case,

Peace & Love,

Nosa Osaghae.

Life as a disciple of TB Joshua – Beth’s story (part 3 of 3)

Life as a disciple of TB Joshua

Life as a disciple of TB Joshua

In the final part of Beth’s story she tells how she has gradually got her life back together after her time at SCOAN nearly destroyed it.

  1. Beth’s story part 1
  2. Beth’s story part 2


Gradually, my life began to resemble a fairly normal existence. I began to realise there was a lot more to life than what I had been living. I thought back to the wonderful experiences I had had in my life pre-SCOAN and began to focus on trying to experience those again. It was a superficial recovery at first, but it was an important step as I started to let go a little. I chose to go to university and travel, even living abroad and eventually began a profession.

Throughout this period, SCOAN beliefs continued to affect me. I was convinced my “sins” would one day come back and haunt me. I always expected something terrible to happen to me or my family. But I would try and suppress these thoughts and be normal.

However, I could not hide my feelings for long and started being reckless with my life.  I started taking risks I wouldn’t normally take, because I felt my wasted life didn’t matter anymore. SCOAN had robbed me of all my self esteem, self respect and of any purpose I had had.

The cracks started to show. I was drinking heavily and could never face my emotions, but could only let them out in drunken rants. I became extremely jealous of how stable my friends and colleagues appeared to be while I was falling apart on the inside.

After a small breakdown, I took a course of counselling at my University. An hour a week of solid crying and no progress made, I resigned myself to having to live with this fear and rejection.

A few years later, out of the blue, I heard of some SCOAN disciples were living nearby. I was convinced they were coming to find me and I would be forced back into SCOAN. I sobbed several times a day, at work, on public transport, at home, and I was scared to go out of my house in case they found me. I began fearing for my life and my mental stability.

At around the same time I heard leaks about how TBJ had sexually abused disciples. This time the breakdown was total. I was living with a psychologist at the time, and she encouraged me to get help. I started seeing a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.  Over the course of some months, she helped me to realise I still had many unhealthy beliefs, and I realised the fears I was living with were making me depressed and anxious. I had been repressing my fears and guilt for being involved for so long. CBT was the hardest thing I have ever done, as to relive my experiences was tough. However, with this help, I have finally faced up to my experiences. I no longer feel afraid.

Since coming to terms with my experiences I’ve spoken with other ex-disciples. In some ways their stories are harsher than mine. They experienced bullying and also physical and/or sexual abuse. One thing I had to realise was just because my abuse wasn’t physical (and I’ll never know why it wasn’t), it hasn’t meant that its effect has not been equally devastating.

It’s easy to excuse things that are wrong as being due to cultural or religious differences or a personality. But deep down there is a truth. I never questioned it when girls were going to TBJ’s room in the middle of the night and not coming back for hours. In fact (and I’m so ashamed of my blindness) I felt jealous of the extra guidance they were receiving. I hope that those still involved will come to see the truth.

Also the guilt has been hard to deal with. I think of people I encouraged to visit SCOAN. Those who went with faith that God would heal them who died as a result of the dangerous advice given at the church. And countless people, unknown to me, who spent their last savings coming from all over Africa and the world to be lied to and taken advantage of. SCOAN continues to cause so much needless suffering. Its victims include the poorest and most vulnerable.

SCOAN is not an innocent or well meaning organisation. In my experience it is one that will use all manner of cunning, corrupt and sacrilegious methods in order to bring people under their influence. I think often of those girls who continue to be abused and have no voice as they are fearful to speak out against what they believe is God. I think of them often and know I was lucky to escape.

And for those of you thinking of visiting, attracted by what seems impossible anywhere else in the world- I urge rationality and caution. Some things are too good to be true. No church is perfect. No one is perfect. Do not abandon your right to question as I did and be influenced to believe anything other than what you know in your heart to be true.

I left SCOAN and felt like I lost my moral compass. I had been told what was right and wrong for so long I lost all perspective. Since then I have not rediscovered my faith in God, but I have found my moral bearings. There is no religion that I know of in which  bullying is acceptable. In no moral code is sexual abuse acceptable. Think rationally.